How to change your password and email notifications

Navigate to "Configurations" in the left hand navigation bar and click "Personal Settings":

How to Change Your Password
Click "Change Password"

Type in your old password.
Type in your new desired password.
Type in your new password again.
Click "Change Password".

How to Change Email Notification Settings
To enable a notification select the checkbox beside a notification type.

Notification Types
New request is created: 
If enabled, you will receive an email everytime you have a new request in your inbox
Item assigned to me was updated or a new item was assigned to me: If enabled, you will receive an email each time a request is assigned to you or there has been an update on a request assigned to you
Top-up (HIC-Fee) is paid: If enabled, you will receive an email if a HIC fee you assessed has been paid
Records were auto-released after top-up payment: If enabled, you will receive an email if records were released after the requester has paid the requested HIC fees.