Add your fees to Medchart

Fees are the additional Health Information Custodian (HIC) fees that your practice will regularly assess for releasing records. They differ from pre-payment fees, which are automatically charged to the requester before they reach your inbox.

Fees will be available in a drop-down menu before you release records.

Configure Your Fees
Click "Configurations" in the left-hand navigation menu.
Click Fees.

Click "+ Add Another fee" to add a fee.

Choose the fee type.
You can choose from 3 different types of fees:

1) Flat: this is a set fee that is pre-determined and never changes
2) Unit: this is a per unit charge (such as a page count)
3) Variable: this fee is dependant on factors we can't anticipate and allows us to manually enter a fee when requesting payment.

Tax Percentage: enter a tax percentage that will automatically calculate when assessing individual fees.
Note: The variable fee type does not allow you to enter a cost because the cost will be manually entered at the time of request.

Click "Save Changes" to save the fees you've added to the system.

TO REMOVE FEES: Simply click the red "X" on the right side of the fee in question and then click "Save Changes"